Friday, October 11, 2013

Drink Coffee: Do Stupid Things Faster

Drink CoffeeTo Those of us who are coffee drinkers, we simply cannot get our day started without a cup or three of our favorite morning pick-me-up. Once we get our morning fix or caffeine, it's as if nothing can stop us from conquering the world. Well, maybe more like we have enough get up and go to finally get going.

It may sound silly that people think this way. But the average American spends $1,100 on coffee and drinks nearly 70 gallons of this black gold per year.

Many people believe that coffee supplies them with energy and creativity. An extreme example - according to legend Honore de Balzac consumed 50 cups of coffee per day to fuel his writing. Or how about an example of extreme thinking at the other end of the scale. In 1511, coffee was banned in Mecca because it was believed to stimulate radical thinking.

Yet, another stupid notion: a 1674 petition by women in England to ban coffee from men under 60 years of age because they said it was turning their men into useless corpses.

Perish the thought, but do you know what happens when coffee is decaffeinated? The coffee manufactures sell the caffeine to soft drink makers and pharmaceutical companies. Hey send some of that my way!

While on the subject of coffee, here's a fun fact. Starbucks was named after Capt Ahab's first mate in the novel Moby Dick. Starbucks founders had considered the name Pequod's, Ahab's ship.

And another fun fact, no nuts in Chock Full O'Nuts coffee.The name actually comes from the name of the chain of nut shops that the owner converted into coffee shops.

So there you have it, drink coffee and do stupid things faster!

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